
Cuddling Kills Depression

Cuddle Professionals

Cuddling can awake ‘little inner child’ and you can be happy every day for the rest of your life. ~ Pete Karolewski

Any warm, loving, touch can release oxytocin – hugs, snuggles, holding hands, partner dancing, massage and body work. Neuroscience has confirmed, because of how our brains process information, even thinking about someone who loves us or someone we deeply care for is enough to activate the release of oxytocin in the brain which is very good news as we learn to use the relax and repair quality of oxytocin to re-pair and heal old relational wounds. ~ Tracy Loughridge

A hug is a tiny cuddle. Its good for the moment. Cuddling is to sit extremely close, touching, hugging, shoulder leaning for a sustained period of time.

Nothing beats holding on to someone close. Takes all the bad away of the day as nothing else matters but the moment.

Grab that big hug from the co-worker, your family member, pause to hug that friend. Hug & cuddle yourself first & fore most ( when I learnt to accept hugs, that’s when I finally understood what it is to give and share hugs.~ Johanness Haukkavaara

Always cuddle your kids whenever they ask it may be medicine for anxiety or just reassurance they are special. ~ Belinda Reeves

If you don’t have a human partner, even cuddling a pet can work wonders. ~ Rebecca Ringer

Human touch works wonders. God made us that way. Just keep it Godly. ~ Melanie Price

I do this everyday with my cats and love to feel their energy. It makes me feel good. They want their cuddle time daily. ~ Valerie Simmons

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